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New South Wales, Australia

Engineering & Construction

Sofixing Engineering & Construction

Sofixingis a boutique Investment House offering a range of investment solutions designed to meet the needs of our clients while endeavouring to protect their wealth. We are devoted to generating strong risk adjusted returns over the medium to long term, through partnering with best of breed investment managers in Engineering & Construction Industry. Sofixing ensures that our best of breed managers display both an even temperament and a highly refined, consistent and repeatable investment framework over diverse market cycles. We understand the costs and service levels required administering and service our client’s investment needs and partner with high quality service providers who share our vision of service excellence and affordability. We pride ourselves on the highest level of client communication and accessibility.
Investment Risk - All investments carry risk. While it is not possible to identify every risk relevant to your investment, we have provided details of the risks that may affect your investment in the relevant information memorandums and additional information booklets.
Our Investors - Our clients are at the heart of everything we do. We believe in immediacy and provide a client focused high-touch personal service.
Our Team - Our portfolio managers and principals all have skin in the game, allocating significant capital to Sofixing's investment strategies.
Investment Features Strategy

Investing in Australia isn’t for everyone. Take advantage of our extensive experience as long-term successful investors to help in achieving your financial goals.

The Sofixing Global Mobility strategy seeks to to capitalize on the ongoing $7 trillion autonomous & Engineering & Construction revolution. In analyzing first, second, and third order effects, the portfolio invests into companies that will benefit while shorting those that will suffer.

  • A long/short portfolio of shares focused on the winners and losers of the mobility revolution
  • Flexible investment mandate across the 'mobility' universe
  • Selected and managed by Ryan Mahon of Ibex Investors using their proven investment process and experience ranging from venture capital to investment banking.
  • Risk aware and long term approach to investing

  • To maximize long-term, risk adjusted returns.
  • By analyzing first, second, and third order effects, the portfolio invests into companies that should benefit from autonomous transportation—from semiconductor chip manufacturers and telecommunications service providers to rare earth miners and beer companies.
  • In parallel, the global mobility unit class takes short positions against businesses that could suffer losses from these same trends—from car dealerships and insurance companies to roadside motels and parking lots.
  • The portfolio will pursue a rigorous investment process to identify investment opportunities, track their progress, and exit when the risk/reward ceases to be favorable.
  • A disciplined, highly process oriented and patient approach to investment decisions.

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